Ed has spent over 40 years on the front lines of organizational change, partnering with executives,

entrepreneurs, and organizations to provide training and consulting in leadership, communication,

collaboration, and organizational effectiveness through executive coaching, consulting, and designing

and delivering programs. He has consulted to organizations ranging from Fortune 100 companies to

startups, NGO’s, government, and non-profits.

In 2015 Ed, along with two other partners, founded Inclusionary Leadership Group (ILG), bringing together a lifetime of social activism with his organizational experience. ILG is a consultancy focused on helping organizations create a culture of inclusion of formerly targeted groups by focusing on engaging men, particularly straight white men, in owning their unconscious bias and unearned privilege and learning tools to become allies - to become part of the solution, rather than part of the problem.

Ed has served as a contract executive in startups and public agencies and a consultant to public

agencies including the San Francisco Metropolitan Transportation Agency. He was a Mergers and

Acquisitions Advisor for Citigroup Geneva Capital Strategies where he worked with owners of middlemarket

businesses to document and market the value of their businesses for sale or merger.

As a contract executive Ed established and managed an HR program for a multi-agency insurance

firm and was Contract COO for the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, a bi-state regional planning

agency where he shifted the culture to one of collaboration, high performance, and customer focus. In

both these positions he specialized in talent assessment, management, and development. In addition

to his Ph.D. in Psychology and 35 years’ experience in Organizational Psychology, he is certified in

administration and interpretation of the Myers Briggs Trait Inventory (MBTI), FIRO-B, DISC, and other

assessment tools.

Who I’ve Worked With

  • City of San Francisco, Dow Chemical, Walgreen's, KGS-Alpha Capital Markets, and more.


  • Speaker
  • Consultant
  • Facilitator
  • Trainer
  • Executive Coach